Job sites and forums

30 Aug
by mjeaton, posted in Uncategorized   |  2 Comments

Let me start by saying that my very first computer-related job was found in a Compuserv forum.

2 Responses to Job sites and forums

  1. Darrell

    Job postings like that fall into 1 of 2 categories:

    1. They actually think somebody stupid (or desperate) enough will apply.

    2. It is mandated by law that they post the job externally, but really it is going to an internal candidate. Another sign of this going on is if there is a very odd/unique combination of skills listed. Basically they took the person’s resume they want to hire and built a job description from it. :)

  2. Darrell

    Oh, to answer your last question:

    I’ve never found a job online. I’ve gotten some interviews, but no jobbies. All my jobs have come from networking.