Lost my motivation

31 Oct
by mjeaton, posted in Uncategorized   |  3 Comments

and this post from Slacker Manager couldn’t have come at a better time:
Motivation Assasination

Brendon says: “What I know is that the motivation sniper hides in the shadowy corners of my psyche, taking aim at my motivation to move ahead on projects big and small. “

I’ve been in this funk for the past few weeks.

3 Responses to Lost my motivation

  1. Tisha

    Dont worry about anyone, but you and your immediate family.

    Do what you love and love what you do.

    Another vacation is not what you need…you need to go the extra mile to get your self personally organized. Put effort into finishing your progects by priority. One by one and your all done!

    Wake up early on days off and get a head start. (if it’ even possible)

    Priority 1. bills(work) /Priority 2. family /Priority 3. school /Priority 4. fun projects/ Priority 5. you…mentally, physically, and emotionally. (Relax)

    *work came first, because without money your family may not be taken care of properly.

  2. Tisha

    Dont worry about anyone, but you and your immediate family.
    Do what you love and love what you do.
    Another vacation is not what you need…you need to go the extra mile to get your self personally organized. Put effort into finishing your progects by priority. One by one and your all done!

    Wake up early on days off and get a head start. (if it’ even possible)

    Priority 1. bills(work) /Priority 2. family /Priority 3. school /Priority 4. fun projects/ Priority 5. you…mentally, physically, and emotionally. (Relax)

    *work came first, because without money your family may not be taken care of properly.

  3. Norman Carreon

    - are you addicted to any stuff? – drugs, porn, games, internet, sex?
    - addiction removes the motivation on people and just makes them focus on their addiction