In May 2004, I wrote a post titled ‘Writing 16-bit code in 2004‘. A few days later, I followed up with this post, ’16-bit development in 2004 revisited‘. Another post followed that one: ‘More 16-bit fun revisited‘. These posts discussed an application I wrote using Delphi 1.0 in early 2004. The application I wrote was supposed to be in production for no more than a year since it was simply a stop-gap while my client pushed ahead with upgrading Windows and implementing a full 3rd party solution.
While that client and I still keep in touch, we haven’t really discussed that application in quite some time. I’m not sure how the topic came up, but I found out at lunch yesterday that the application is STILL being used today even though all of the systems have been upgraded to 32-bit operating systems. For some reason, that 3rd party solution was never implemented and they have continued to plug along my solution. I heard they just put some money in the budget to replace my app. Hopefully I’ll be part of the RFP process because I’d love to re-write it using current tools.