A few weeks ago, I wrote a post that was aimed at my “tweeps” asking them how they got started in software development. A bunch of people answered and you can see a list of those answers here, unfortunately only those people that linked back to the original post will be listed. This Google search lists a lot of them as well.
I’m totally blown away by how this simple post has spread across the net. I mean, c’mon….Charles Petzold answered it after being tagged by Julia Lerman! How cool is that? Joe Stagner from Microsoft answered it and his post showed up on the front page of http://asp.net (screenshot)!
Thanks to everyone that answered! If you have a blog and haven’t been tagged yet…well, consider yourself tagged! Answer the questions and link back here! If you don’t have a blog, feel free to answer them in the comments for this post.
People generally don’t pass up an opportunity to talk about themselves (especially bloggers!).
Key to a successful meme: “tag” people with a challenge that encourages them to freely talk about themselves.
Im happy to say that I am one of the links that led to Charles Petzold. Congrats on getting such a HUGE response from this!
I’m glad I tagged Jeff who tagged other people who tagged other people who … well you see where I’m going with that. Definitely a great idea!