Monthly Archives: May 2010

Silverlight 101: Writing your first Silverlight application – slides and code

22 May 2010
by mjeaton, posted in Uncategorized   |  Comments Off

My goal for this talk is to introduce people to Silverlight in enough depth that when they sit at their desk and choose File | New | Silverlight application, they’ll understand the components that make up a Silverlight application as well as how screens are constructed using XAML. It has been well received at both the 2010 Ann Arbor Day of .NET and the Richmond Code Camp.

My slides are pretty sparse, but here they are.

I also kept the sample (download) very simple and straightforward since I was focusing on how you construct a screen and not all the silly, flashy stuff you see in most Silverlight demos. There are no gradients, animations or spinning purple ghosts in this demo. Oh, the solution was created using Visual Studio 2010.

I’ll be delivering this talk again at Dayton .NET Users Group on June 23rd. Check out their website for meeting details. I’ll also be delivering the WPF version of this talk at the Central Ohio Day of .NET on June 5th, the Cincinnati .NET Users Group on June 22nd and Codestock on June 25/26th.